Our 28th annual members’ extravaganza is back! Don’t miss this opportunity to have your artwork on our gallery walls or perform on our stage!
The BIG Show Exhibition Opening & Variety Show takes place on Saturday, July 15, 2023 – and we want you to participate! The exhibition is on view in the main gallery and online from July 15 – August 12, 2023.
Become A Member! The BIG Show is one of our many Member perks. Click here to view mempership options and select the level that’s right for you!
Here are the super specific exhibition details…
The BIG Show Exhibition:
- Your membership must be active. Email info@creativealliance.org if you have questions about your status.
- Select a drop-off date.
Members must be logged in to select a drop off date without a fee. Non-members will be charged a fee which includes a solo membership.
- Artwork drop off date options:
THU JUN 22 | 12-6PM
FRI JUN 23 | 12-6PM
SAT JUN 24 | 12-6PM
THU JUN 29 | 5-8PM
FRI JUN 30 | 12-6PM
SAT JUL 1 | 12-6PM
- Complete The BIG Show registration form before drop off (form will be emailed to you after you select a drop-off date)
- Artwork info: only one (1) artwork per member, must be under 36 inches (3ft) wide, must be ready to hang upon drop off
Late drop-offs will not be accepted (Last day to register and drop off artwork is SAT JUL 1 | 6PM)
If you have questions regarding The Big Show Exhibition or your membership, please contact Development Associate, Vic Yambao at vic@creativealliance.org, or our Visual Arts Curator, Joy Davis, at joy@creativealliance.org.