Location: The Creativity Center
For our October session, we’re excited to have nerdlesque superstar Maki Roll, who’s got a few spectacular and spooky looks in store for this event!
Here’s more about our October muse:
Maki Roll is an award winning performance artist, event coordinator, and pop culture entrepreneur. The Washington, D.C., native started her creative journey in 2010 as a cosplayer and nerdlesque performer and soon branched out to guesting, hosting, and curating programming for conventions and nerdy events. Maki combines her geekiness and self-taught artistic skill to build innovative performance and visual art experiences across mediums. She has been featured by NPR, MTV, ESPN’s The Undefeated, and The Mary Sue. She is the current Executive Producer and Owner of the historic International Nerdlesque Festival and producer of DC Braulesque, a monthly Nerdlesque brewery experience at DC Brau.
Photo of Maki Roll by Maze Studio.
Doors at 6:30—show up early to get a good seat! 18+ to draw, 21+ to drink.
BYO drawing supplies. No photography or messy paints, please (watercolors are fine).
**Please note: Masks are required at Dr. Sketchy’s while not actively consuming a beverage.**
Follow Dr. Sketchy’s Baltimore on Facebook and Instagram for the latest updates!
Location: The Creativity Center
Location: Creativity Center
Location: The Creativity Center
Location: The Creativity Center