Location: The Creativity Center
Celebrating 20 years of Viva Brasil! Presented in association with EducArte
Students will learn and practice the basic movements of capoeira, both solo and with partners, while following the teacher through movements and sequences. Students will also learn the songs of capoeira and, through them, the Portuguese language and Afro-Brazilian history and culture. Students will sing as well as learn to play instruments such as berimbau, pandeiro, agogo, reco-reco, and atabaque as part of the class.
Where: Creativity Center, 3137 Eastern Ave. Baltimore MD 21224
When: Mar. 2 | 9:30–10:15 AM
Age Range: 6+
Cost: $15 standard, $12 members
Materials: Students should wear comfortable clothing: pants (no shorts) and a loose-fitting t-shirt
Location: The Creativity Center
Location: The Marquee Lounge
Location: The Creativity Center