Location: The Creativity Center
Ticket price includes materials fee for a take-home magic prop!
Ticket price includes materials fee for a take-home magic prop!
Ticket price includes materials fee for a take-home magic prop!
Join School of Magic Arts, one of the only 365 day-a-year stage magic schools in the world, for a half-day Build Your Own Magic Camp! That’s right, we’re back at Creative Alliance after our incredible Card Camp in October and mind-blowing Mental Magic in January. This time around, we’ll be building (and learning to perform) one of the coolest stage illusions ever: a Stratosphere! Colored balls appear to change places inside of a tube right before the audience’s eyes. Students will be able to take home the prop that they build during the session.
For the other half of the day, we have the joy of working alongside craft extraordinaire and camp maestro Jesse Lentzwiler to build tiny worlds that stem from imagination and observation! With these dioramic explorations, we study the textures, atmosphere, and composition of spaces, and how miniature creations can capture and reveal the wonder of the world around us!
Where: Creativity Center, 3137 Eastern Ave. Baltimore, MD 21224
When: MAR 15 | 8:30AM – 4PM
Age Range: Grades 3-8
Cost: $60 standard, $55 members, $105 for two students
Materials: Registration includes materials fee for a take-home magic prop!
School of Magic Arts has been operating since 2017, and has taught hundreds of students across North America. Our goal is to teach, elevate, and share the art of stage magic with as many people as possible. As one of the only stage magic schools in the world, and possibly the only with a year-round, comprehensive curriculum, our community is growing every day. Our instructors are professional magicians with both formal and informal teaching backgrounds.
Jesse Lentzwiler is a multidisciplinary teaching artist from Philadelphia, living in Baltimore by way of Minneapolis, and working in handcrafts, including sewing, loom knitting, and printmaking. With a background in jewelry, dioramas, and bronze casting she loves things that are small, intimate, and personal. Her audience is children, present and former.
Location: The Creativity Center
Location: The Creativity Center
Location: The Creativity Center
Location: The Creativity Center