(Pictured above: Bank Line Greeting Man by Dominic Terlizzi, from our exhibition Body as Monument)
Presenting our Resident Art Critic, Zbigniew Janowski! «Zbig,» as he’s known to us, hails from Europe, originally. He’s part writer, part art collector. Just ask him about his exceptional private collection of prints right here in Highlandtown.
We just released a catalog for our wonderful show, Body as Monument. Zbig graciously wrote the forward for it. The exhibition raises questions regarding the physical, social and psychic connections between human beings and our natural, physical and virtual landscapes. He writes that there is no «global man» representing one ideal human form. Rather, «local customs and traditions» influence what is ideal, making the body «a fertile ground for art.»
You can read more of Zbig’s writing in his two books: Cartesian Theodicy, Augustinian–Cartesian Index and How to Read Descartes’ Meditations. He received an M.A. in Philosophy (1990) from Catholic University of America, Washington, DC. and Ph.D from the Committee on Social Thought (1996) from The University of Chicago. He speaks Latin, French, German, and Polish. He is also a co-author of a forthcoming book on Polish Romantic poetry – Agememnon’s Tomb: A Polish Oresteia, and editor of Leszek Kolakowski’s My Correct Views on Everything and The Two Eyes of Spinoza and Other Essays on Philosophers.
– Adejoke Tugbiyele, Programs and Exhibitions Manager